Have A Most Purr-fect Day!

Posted by asiadmin - February 23rd, 2016

This being Monday, I thought that I would share the following with you. This is one of my favorite prayers. Purr-haps it will bring you peace.

GOD grant me the serenity to accept the things that I can not change … the courage to change the things I can … and the wisdom to know the difference.

Having said that … I bid you adieu. Phffft!

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Have A Most Purr-fect Day!

Posted by asiadmin - February 23rd, 2016

This being Monday, I thought that I would share the following with you. This is one of my favorite prayers. Purr-haps it will bring you peace.

GOD grant me the serenity to accept the things that I can not change … the courage to change the things I can … and the wisdom to know the difference.

Having said that … I bid you adieu. Phffft!

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Purr-posterous! How Time Flies!!!

Posted by asiadmin - June 16th, 2015

Please accept my sincere pussycat apologies for not having written earlier. It has indeed been a while since I have posted a blog. However, the neighborhood mice have kept me quite busy. They insist on setting up their place of residence within my territory. This is indeed quite unacceptable — A major No-No!!! — A faux-pas! — Please do not misunderstand. After all, I do indeed like all creatures great and small, and that includes mice. Alas, they are rather cute and fuzzy. Yet, when it comes to my territory, I draw the line. Quite simply — they are more than welcome for an occasional visit. Yet all visits must come to an end, however pleasant they are — and alas, one finds that it is time — to go home! — Well! — Needless to say, some of them were quite persistent, and were refusing to depart. Thus, though it was most unpleasant — I had no choice but to explain matters to them in a cool and collected manner with no fur rising, and no whisker twitching. I had to employ all of my inner pussycat strength in order to convey the fact that — enough was enough! This took time — a little more time than I had anticipated. Thus, the days went by, and my daily duties kept me incessantly busy. Then, Mumzy and I were quite busy working on the creation of my website. Also, many hours were spent in research for our future books. This took time as well. Yet, what can one say? It is what it is! Please do forgive me! I assure you — it shall not happen again! That is — to the best of my pussycat abilities. Phffft!

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Purr-posterous! How Time Flies!!!

Posted by asiadmin - June 16th, 2015

Please accept my sincere pussycat apologies for not having written earlier. It has indeed been a while since I have posted a blog. However, the neighborhood mice have kept me quite busy. They insist on setting up their place of residence within my territory. This is indeed quite unacceptable — A major No-No!!! — A faux-pas! — Please do not misunderstand. After all, I do indeed like all creatures great and small, and that includes mice. Alas, they are rather cute and fuzzy. Yet, when it comes to my territory, I draw the line. Quite simply — they are more than welcome for an occasional visit. Yet all visits must come to an end, however pleasant they are — and alas, one finds that it is time — to go home! — Well! — Needless to say, some of them were quite persistent, and were refusing to depart. Thus, though it was most unpleasant — I had no choice but to explain matters to them in a cool and collected manner with no fur rising, and no whisker twitching. I had to employ all of my inner pussycat strength in order to convey the fact that — enough was enough! This took time — a little more time than I had anticipated. Thus, the days went by, and my daily duties kept me incessantly busy. Then, Mumzy and I were quite busy working on the creation of my website. Also, many hours were spent in research for our future books. This took time as well. Yet, what can one say? It is what it is! Please do forgive me! I assure you — it shall not happen again! That is — to the best of my pussycat abilities. Phffft!

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I Have Returned!…It Has Indeed Been A While!

Posted by asiadmin - August 22nd, 2013

Well,…here I am! I must state that it has been a rather difficult summer.  As promised, I researched the matter of the Napoleon Pastry further. It is pronounced nuh-POH-lee-uhn…with a rather French pronunciation. This particular search site stated that the pastry was indeed developed in France: Apparently sometimes during the latter part of the 19th century. However, in Denmark, the story takes a different turn. For years, the Danish people have been told that the pastry was invented by a royal Danish pastry chef. It is said, that this pastry chef invented this spectacular feast which consists of layers of puff pastry, interspersed with pastry cream or whipped cream—with the top having a sprinkling of confectioner’s sugar and chocolate lines. This beautiful piece of pastry artistry was supposedly created upon the occasion of the state visit of Emperor Bonaparte. The visit was taking place in Copenhagen. Napoleon Bonaparte had come to visit the King of Denmark. It is also said that the chocolate lines, which decorated the top layer of the pastry, appeared to form the letter ‘N’—in honor of Napoleon. Another tale states that the pastry was indeed a French invention: That it was Napoleon’s favorite pastry. Some state that the Emperor ate so many pieces of the pastry—the night before the Battle of Waterloo—that it resulted in his defeat. Oh!…What a pity! After all, I was there. I could have quite simply asked him. Perhaps, this is why he had a tummy ache…If one wishes to know more, one should most definitely read my book, Cat Paws Through History, Ko-Ko the Cat Meets Napoleon Bonaparte. That is all! Ta-ta! Phffft!   

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I Have Returned!…It Has Indeed Been A While!

Posted by asiadmin - August 22nd, 2013

Well,…here I am! I must state that it has been a rather difficult summer.  As promised, I researched the matter of the Napoleon Pastry further. It is pronounced nuh-POH-lee-uhn…with a rather French pronunciation. This particular search site stated that the pastry was indeed developed in France: Apparently sometimes during the latter part of the 19th century. However, in Denmark, the story takes a different turn. For years, the Danish people have been told that the pastry was invented by a royal Danish pastry chef. It is said, that this pastry chef invented this spectacular feast which consists of layers of puff pastry, interspersed with pastry cream or whipped cream—with the top having a sprinkling of confectioner’s sugar and chocolate lines. This beautiful piece of pastry artistry was supposedly created upon the occasion of the state visit of Emperor Bonaparte. The visit was taking place in Copenhagen. Napoleon Bonaparte had come to visit the King of Denmark. It is also said that the chocolate lines, which decorated the top layer of the pastry, appeared to form the letter ‘N’—in honor of Napoleon. Another tale states that the pastry was indeed a French invention: That it was Napoleon’s favorite pastry. Some state that the Emperor ate so many pieces of the pastry—the night before the Battle of Waterloo—that it resulted in his defeat. Oh!…What a pity! After all, I was there. I could have quite simply asked him. Perhaps, this is why he had a tummy ache…If one wishes to know more, one should most definitely read my book, Cat Paws Through History, Ko-Ko the Cat Meets Napoleon Bonaparte. That is all! Ta-ta! Phffft!   

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Must One Endure This?!

Posted by asiadmin - June 29th, 2013

I have gone through a most atrocious experience. It is rather difficult for me to even speak about it…Mumzy gave me an haircut, or rather a fur cut! My supposed summer cut…to be exact! It has taken me days to recuperate from this horrendous once a year ritual. Thus, the reason as to why I have not post a blog. All my beautiful fur is gone! For the time being,…that is. As Mumzy proceeded to cut my fur, with scissors mind you, she kept insisting that it would grow back soon…that I would feel much cooler now. She says that every year! Every summer, I am put through this most torturous procedure. No one asks me, if I wish to have an haircut-fur cut. After all, it is my fur, is it not?! One would think that one would have the option of expressing one’s opinions regarding this most delicate matter,…but noooooooo…they just do what they feel like doing. This is not a democracy! This is a dictatorship! Chop! Chop!..Chop! Off with Ko-Ko’s hair! Then, they have the audacity to goo-goo and ga-ga…as to how very beautiful I look. They must be jesting! I have eyes! I have 20/20 vision…if not more! Besides, a pussycat’s vision is much better than an human’s vision. I took a glimpse of myself…as my beautiful fur was falling, all about me, in disarray. It was indeed a sad day! It did not look pretty! I wonder what they did with all that fur?! Once,…I knew a lady…that would knit sweaters from her cat’s fur. She would actually brush her cat, collect the fur, make yarn and knit sweaters, scarves, and some such things. Go figure! Alas, presently,…I am not happy! A most sad season has come upon my furry, or for the present, not so furry,…person. Phffft! Phffft! Phffft! Ta-ta!!!  

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Must One Endure This?!

Posted by asiadmin - June 29th, 2013

I have gone through a most atrocious experience. It is rather difficult for me to even speak about it…Mumzy gave me an haircut, or rather a fur cut! My supposed summer cut…to be exact! It has taken me days to recuperate from this horrendous once a year ritual. Thus, the reason as to why I have not post a blog. All my beautiful fur is gone! For the time being,…that is. As Mumzy proceeded to cut my fur, with scissors mind you, she kept insisting that it would grow back soon…that I would feel much cooler now. She says that every year! Every summer, I am put through this most torturous procedure. No one asks me, if I wish to have an haircut-fur cut. After all, it is my fur, is it not?! One would think that one would have the option of expressing one’s opinions regarding this most delicate matter,…but noooooooo…they just do what they feel like doing. This is not a democracy! This is a dictatorship! Chop! Chop!..Chop! Off with Ko-Ko’s hair! Then, they have the audacity to goo-goo and ga-ga…as to how very beautiful I look. They must be jesting! I have eyes! I have 20/20 vision…if not more! Besides, a pussycat’s vision is much better than an human’s vision. I took a glimpse of myself…as my beautiful fur was falling, all about me, in disarray. It was indeed a sad day! It did not look pretty! I wonder what they did with all that fur?! Once,…I knew a lady…that would knit sweaters from her cat’s fur. She would actually brush her cat, collect the fur, make yarn and knit sweaters, scarves, and some such things. Go figure! Alas, presently,…I am not happy! A most sad season has come upon my furry, or for the present, not so furry,…person. Phffft! Phffft! Phffft! Ta-ta!!!  

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Alas…it is Monday!

Posted by asiadmin - June 18th, 2013

Perhaps, it is best to begin the week with a pussycat’s philosophical view…Basically, I am now going to tell you what I think!…Whether, you like it or not! Most often in the mornings, I place my furry body next to Mumzy as she sips her cup of coffee. Together, we watch our inspirational programs. For in this world, one is always in dire need of inspiration. My favorite quote for the day is the following: Stability releases ability! Resist being moody! Be a stable person!…Ta-ta!

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Alas…it is Monday!

Posted by asiadmin - June 18th, 2013

Perhaps, it is best to begin the week with a pussycat’s philosophical view…Basically, I am now going to tell you what I think!…Whether, you like it or not! Most often in the mornings, I place my furry body next to Mumzy as she sips her cup of coffee. Together, we watch our inspirational programs. For in this world, one is always in dire need of inspiration. My favorite quote for the day is the following: Stability releases ability! Resist being moody! Be a stable person!…Ta-ta!

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