A New Word A Day Keeps The Doctor Away! Phffft…phffft…phffft!

Posted by asiadmin - February 19th, 2016

A new word a day keeps the doctor away: According to this pussycat, that is. Healthy words are healthy for one, and unhealthy words can make one ill. Therefore, it is quite important as to what one thinks, hears, sees and reads. Having said that, I will now introduce you to the word of the day which is the word — forefront. According to the Webster’s New World Dictionary, the word forefront, which is a noun, has the following meaning: “1. the extreme front. 2. the position of most activity, importance, etc.” I wonder, per chance, if the word could be applied in any way to pussycats? Makes one question as to how many times, one can actually apply the word forefront to one’s vocabulary on a daily basis. It would make one sound rather literate … do you not believe so? Making certain that Mumzy gives me a nice tummy rub is forefront in her list of to do things. So there! I did it, and I am a pussycat. It should therefore be much easier for humans to try to implement the word — forefront — into their daily language. Practice! Practice! Practice! After all, you are human, and do you not consider yourselves to be the most intelligent species? A matter of mere opinion, I would say — mostly the opinions of humans — certainly not pussycats! Need I say more? I do not believe so! Phffft! Oh what a bother!

Ta-ta for now! Have a most furry weekend, and with that I bid you adieu. Phffft!

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A New Word A Day Keeps The Doctor Away! Phffft…phffft…phffft!

Posted by asiadmin - February 19th, 2016

A new word a day keeps the doctor away: According to this pussycat, that is. Healthy words are healthy for one, and unhealthy words can make one ill. Therefore, it is quite important as to what one thinks, hears, sees and reads. Having said that, I will now introduce you to the word of the day which is the word — forefront. According to the Webster’s New World Dictionary, the word forefront, which is a noun, has the following meaning: “1. the extreme front. 2. the position of most activity, importance, etc.” I wonder, per chance, if the word could be applied in any way to pussycats? Makes one question as to how many times, one can actually apply the word forefront to one’s vocabulary on a daily basis. It would make one sound rather literate … do you not believe so? Making certain that Mumzy gives me a nice tummy rub is forefront in her list of to do things. So there! I did it, and I am a pussycat. It should therefore be much easier for humans to try to implement the word — forefront — into their daily language. Practice! Practice! Practice! After all, you are human, and do you not consider yourselves to be the most intelligent species? A matter of mere opinion, I would say — mostly the opinions of humans — certainly not pussycats! Need I say more? I do not believe so! Phffft! Oh what a bother!

Ta-ta for now! Have a most furry weekend, and with that I bid you adieu. Phffft!

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A Word A Day Brings Wisdom To A Pussycat! — Oh,Phffft!

Posted by asiadmin - February 18th, 2016

Alas, sadly — language is swiftly becoming a lost art … for humans, that is! Soon, they will forget the little that they know. An unhappy reality. Therefore, in order to enrich one on a daily basis, one should learn a word a day. For today, I have most wisely chosen the word flitter. Just this morning, I had placed my ever so fluffy self upon the dictionary as I was observing Mumzy create. For my charming and beloved Mumzy is a writer. Watching closely, I was making certain that she did not make any spelling errors. As is very well known, my Mumzy wrote the book — Cat Paws Through History, Ko-Ko the Cat Meets Napoleon Bonaparte. Please be aware of the fact that I am Ko-Ko the Cat! The book is all about — moi — the resident cat — as it should well be. Alas, as I was saying, my Mumzy was writing, and I was sitting upon the open dictionary — comfy and cozy as you please. Dictionaries are most comfortable books to sit upon — for a cat, that is — when suddenly I placed my ever so pudgy, furry paw upon the word —flitter. It was then that Mumzy quietly uttered in her precious, charming voice, “Flitter … what a wonderful word. I do believe that I shall use it in my next paragraph.” As usual, I had assisted Mumzy in her writing. Besides,  I rather enjoy hearing Mumzy utter the word flitter. It is a most curious word. For some reason, it reminds me of my whiskers. How? … One may ask. Do not worry, for enlightenment is to pounce upon us shortly. The word — flitter — according to the Webster’s New World Dictionary, upon which I sat so happily, is defined as, “flutter, or a person or thing that flies.” In reference to my beautiful, long whiskers — one of the definitions of the word flutter applies most appropriately. For in my particular case, flutter means, “to move with quick vibrations.” So true! Especially when I am observing the neighborhood birds or mice.Thus, upon this day, we have added to our much needed vocabulary, the words flitter and flutter. We now know more than what we knew a few moments ago. It is indeed a most satisfying feeling. We are rather proud of our accomplishment — are we not? You had better be nodding with a most pleasant smile upon your face. For, if perchance you are not — I am now glaring at you with my golden eyes! I dare say that it is not a glare of approval!

Ta-ta — along with a swift phffft! Behave yourselves, and please do remember that sitting upon dictionaries is only allowed to pussycats!

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A Word A Day Brings Wisdom To A Pussycat! — Oh,Phffft!

Posted by asiadmin - February 18th, 2016

Alas, sadly — language is swiftly becoming a lost art … for humans, that is! Soon, they will forget the little that they know. An unhappy reality. Therefore, in order to enrich one on a daily basis, one should learn a word a day. For today, I have most wisely chosen the word flitter. Just this morning, I had placed my ever so fluffy self upon the dictionary as I was observing Mumzy create. For my charming and beloved Mumzy is a writer. Watching closely, I was making certain that she did not make any spelling errors. As is very well known, my Mumzy wrote the book — Cat Paws Through History, Ko-Ko the Cat Meets Napoleon Bonaparte. Please be aware of the fact that I am Ko-Ko the Cat! The book is all about — moi — the resident cat — as it should well be. Alas, as I was saying, my Mumzy was writing, and I was sitting upon the open dictionary — comfy and cozy as you please. Dictionaries are most comfortable books to sit upon — for a cat, that is — when suddenly I placed my ever so pudgy, furry paw upon the word —flitter. It was then that Mumzy quietly uttered in her precious, charming voice, “Flitter … what a wonderful word. I do believe that I shall use it in my next paragraph.” As usual, I had assisted Mumzy in her writing. Besides,  I rather enjoy hearing Mumzy utter the word flitter. It is a most curious word. For some reason, it reminds me of my whiskers. How? … One may ask. Do not worry, for enlightenment is to pounce upon us shortly. The word — flitter — according to the Webster’s New World Dictionary, upon which I sat so happily, is defined as, “flutter, or a person or thing that flies.” In reference to my beautiful, long whiskers — one of the definitions of the word flutter applies most appropriately. For in my particular case, flutter means, “to move with quick vibrations.” So true! Especially when I am observing the neighborhood birds or mice.Thus, upon this day, we have added to our much needed vocabulary, the words flitter and flutter. We now know more than what we knew a few moments ago. It is indeed a most satisfying feeling. We are rather proud of our accomplishment — are we not? You had better be nodding with a most pleasant smile upon your face. For, if perchance you are not — I am now glaring at you with my golden eyes! I dare say that it is not a glare of approval!

Ta-ta — along with a swift phffft! Behave yourselves, and please do remember that sitting upon dictionaries is only allowed to pussycats!

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Purr-posterous! How Time Flies!!!

Posted by asiadmin - June 16th, 2015

Please accept my sincere pussycat apologies for not having written earlier. It has indeed been a while since I have posted a blog. However, the neighborhood mice have kept me quite busy. They insist on setting up their place of residence within my territory. This is indeed quite unacceptable — A major No-No!!! — A faux-pas! — Please do not misunderstand. After all, I do indeed like all creatures great and small, and that includes mice. Alas, they are rather cute and fuzzy. Yet, when it comes to my territory, I draw the line. Quite simply — they are more than welcome for an occasional visit. Yet all visits must come to an end, however pleasant they are — and alas, one finds that it is time — to go home! — Well! — Needless to say, some of them were quite persistent, and were refusing to depart. Thus, though it was most unpleasant — I had no choice but to explain matters to them in a cool and collected manner with no fur rising, and no whisker twitching. I had to employ all of my inner pussycat strength in order to convey the fact that — enough was enough! This took time — a little more time than I had anticipated. Thus, the days went by, and my daily duties kept me incessantly busy. Then, Mumzy and I were quite busy working on the creation of my website. Also, many hours were spent in research for our future books. This took time as well. Yet, what can one say? It is what it is! Please do forgive me! I assure you — it shall not happen again! That is — to the best of my pussycat abilities. Phffft!

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Purr-posterous! How Time Flies!!!

Posted by asiadmin - June 16th, 2015

Please accept my sincere pussycat apologies for not having written earlier. It has indeed been a while since I have posted a blog. However, the neighborhood mice have kept me quite busy. They insist on setting up their place of residence within my territory. This is indeed quite unacceptable — A major No-No!!! — A faux-pas! — Please do not misunderstand. After all, I do indeed like all creatures great and small, and that includes mice. Alas, they are rather cute and fuzzy. Yet, when it comes to my territory, I draw the line. Quite simply — they are more than welcome for an occasional visit. Yet all visits must come to an end, however pleasant they are — and alas, one finds that it is time — to go home! — Well! — Needless to say, some of them were quite persistent, and were refusing to depart. Thus, though it was most unpleasant — I had no choice but to explain matters to them in a cool and collected manner with no fur rising, and no whisker twitching. I had to employ all of my inner pussycat strength in order to convey the fact that — enough was enough! This took time — a little more time than I had anticipated. Thus, the days went by, and my daily duties kept me incessantly busy. Then, Mumzy and I were quite busy working on the creation of my website. Also, many hours were spent in research for our future books. This took time as well. Yet, what can one say? It is what it is! Please do forgive me! I assure you — it shall not happen again! That is — to the best of my pussycat abilities. Phffft!

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Notes…From a Not so Furry Pussycat!

Posted by asiadmin - July 3rd, 2013

When last we spoke…although in reality we did not speak…I was rather upset…due to my unfortunate hair-fur cut. Alas, I do feel rather better now. My fur has begun to grow back. What is a pussycat to do? I am at the mercy of Mumzy and Popzy. When Mumzy decides that it is time for a cut…then it is time for a cut. On with life! Thus, today, I wish to share with you a quote from the most honorable Benjamin Franklin…”Content makes poor Men rich; Discontent makes rich Men poor.” Be contented!…Now, hopefully,…the readers of my blog are a tad wiser than before,…and that is always a good thing…Ta-Ta!

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Notes…From a Not so Furry Pussycat!

Posted by asiadmin - July 3rd, 2013

When last we spoke…although in reality we did not speak…I was rather upset…due to my unfortunate hair-fur cut. Alas, I do feel rather better now. My fur has begun to grow back. What is a pussycat to do? I am at the mercy of Mumzy and Popzy. When Mumzy decides that it is time for a cut…then it is time for a cut. On with life! Thus, today, I wish to share with you a quote from the most honorable Benjamin Franklin…”Content makes poor Men rich; Discontent makes rich Men poor.” Be contented!…Now, hopefully,…the readers of my blog are a tad wiser than before,…and that is always a good thing…Ta-Ta!

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Alas…it is Monday!

Posted by asiadmin - June 18th, 2013

Perhaps, it is best to begin the week with a pussycat’s philosophical view…Basically, I am now going to tell you what I think!…Whether, you like it or not! Most often in the mornings, I place my furry body next to Mumzy as she sips her cup of coffee. Together, we watch our inspirational programs. For in this world, one is always in dire need of inspiration. My favorite quote for the day is the following: Stability releases ability! Resist being moody! Be a stable person!…Ta-ta!

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Alas…it is Monday!

Posted by asiadmin - June 18th, 2013

Perhaps, it is best to begin the week with a pussycat’s philosophical view…Basically, I am now going to tell you what I think!…Whether, you like it or not! Most often in the mornings, I place my furry body next to Mumzy as she sips her cup of coffee. Together, we watch our inspirational programs. For in this world, one is always in dire need of inspiration. My favorite quote for the day is the following: Stability releases ability! Resist being moody! Be a stable person!…Ta-ta!

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